OUCH! It was just a tiny sliver that punctured my skin so I immediately went to the back office to tell the Lead I had a sliver of glass in my finger. I carefully pulled the tiny piece of glass out and squeezed the tip of my finger to make it bleed to be sure any trace of glass was out. The Lead said I should report the injury to the Cast Health Center so I went. I couldn't believe the amount of pain I was experiencing from this tiny puncture in my finger.

The nurse had cleaned the cut with alcohol and it really stung! The she placed a butterfly bandage on it and gave me extras to keep the cut covered for a few days. She said not to allow it to soak in water for a few days. She also said if I was experiencing any throbbing pain I should hold my hand above my heart until it subsides. Yeah, it was throbbing a bit so I kept my hand about shoulder level for a few minutes.
I was suppose to be heading to my break just as this incident took place. When I returned from the Health Center and was at the Back Office they reset my break and I was allowed to take my break. It was 11:15pm at the time. So there I was with my finger bandaged up and thought about taking a photo and sharing it on Social Media that I had my first work related injury happen to me. Well, I starting scrolling on Facebook when I saw a friend's post saying that 70 were injured at a Festival in Vegas. I quickly looked up on Google what was happening in Las Vegas and read the news about this sniper attack. Suddenly the pain I was experiencing with my finger dissipated and the pain went straight to my heart. Oh.My.Goodness! Unbelievable!
On my way home from work I turned my radio to a news station and listened to the story that was unfolding. I thought how silly of me wanting to share about my own pain when there were lots of people experiencing horrible pain and suffering. Some things aren't worth sharing on Social Media when you hear about terrible things happening to others. I thought I don't need to share about my own small incident. My finger and my arm were still hurting but I didn't have to tell the whole world.

In I Corinthians 12: 12-27 we learn about Diversity and Unity in The Body. I want to focus on verses 26 & 27 which says,
26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.
This tiny sliver that cut the tip of my finger caused a lot of pain within my body. When we hear of terrible news that happen to people most of them we can relate and hurt along with them. It may even be the tiniest thing that happened but deep down it can cause a tremendous amount of pain. I've been watching and listening to the news and my heart aches for those that lost loved ones in this senseless murdering spree. Just as this tiny sliver of glass that entered my body the pain traveled up my arm and even two days later I can feel the pain inside my forearm to my elbow. I know I will heal from my injury but it is amazing how much one can hurt on the inside from pain that has been inflicted on the outside.
There are many people hurting right now. Just as 1 Corinthians 12 states "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it." The people of Las Vegas are suffering. The people from other states that knew people that were there at the Route 91 Harvest are suffering. America is suffering and ultimately the World is suffering. We.Are.Hurting. The only one that can release us of this Hurt is God.
I am so glad to hear people being interviewed giving thanks to God that they are alive today. Each of us should be glad that we are alive today. One guy is sharing on his Facebook page "We aren't guaranteed tomorrow." Many are sharing "We weren't concerned with skin color, your religious beliefs, if you are Republican or Democrat, we were there to help save lives."
We.Are.One.Body. No matter who we are or where we are, we are connected. We are one body.
That little sliver of glass that entered my body reminds me of the evil that is out there ready and waiting to inflict it's pain on us. I didn't see that sliver of glass that night when I went to wipe up the liquid from that broken snowglobe. We don't know the pain that awaits us around the corner. What we do know is the hope we can have when we know God.
I am focusing on 1 Corinthians 12: 26b that says "If one part is honored, every part rejoices with it." Today I'm hearing the stories of those that committed heroic acts. People who helped to save others during this horrific tragedy. They gave no concern for their own life. They wanted to help as many people as they could and some were injured during their acts of heroism. Others will forever be affected by the visions they will always picture in their minds.
Whatever we encounter in this life if you know who the Savior of the World is you can bear the pain this world can inflict on you. If you don't know The Savior you can ask me to introduce you to him or maybe you have a family member who knows him or a neighbor. Talk to them. Open up the conversation. Turn off the news and let's start talking.
Everyone has a story to share. I encourage you to share yours.
May God bless us all.
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